Describe & List Twins
Understand and inspect your Twin's data by using Describe or List All Twins.
Introduction to Describe Twins
Use Describe Twin to inspect a Digital Twin's metadata and find out more about it. It returns information about the Twin itself, its Feeds and each of the Feeds' Values in order to allow you to distinguish one Twin from another.
A prerequisite for Describe Twin is the Twin's DID
You may know it already or have to retrieve it by using Search Twin.
How to describe a Twin with the IOTICS API
Local vs Remote
The Describe Twin API is used differently depending on whether the Twin is in your own local IOTICSpace or in another remote IOTICSpace.
Introduction to List All Twins
List All Twins allows you to list and describe all Digital Twins of a specific IOTICSpace.
Please note that you will only be able to list Digital Twins that you have permission to find. See Selective Data Sharing for more information on access permissions.
Updated 10 months ago