30th May 2024
10 months ago by Fabrizio Cannizzo
IOTICS' Federated Knowledge Graph (FKG) enables semantic interoperability across organisational boundaries.
It extends IOTICS' standard search by providing a mechanism to query (search, discover, join, and aggregate) the Digital Twins' metadata stored in each of the IOTICSpaces within the network, enabling collaboration and knowledge discovery while retaining data owners’ control over their data assets.
Product enhancements
- User experience: Results of a query won’t have to be aggregated client-side, thus providing a simpler and faster way to process metadata.
- User experience/Capability: Querying capability available over all visible/accessible metadata using W3C SPARQL. Since SPARQL is standard, clients have a richer user experience with the ability to reuse existing tooling or integrate with other SPARQL-compliant systems.
- Capability: Inference/reasoner, to identify new relationships within data in the ecosystem.
- Capability: Federation with external SPARQL endpoints for richer data contextualisation.
- User experience: A simpler way to enable complex queries. For example, list all of X twins that are related to all Y twins (with X & Y in different spaces). E.g., show me all boats that are within 1 mile of an onshore charging point (boats and charging points in different spaces).
- Capability: Provide the ability to channel partners to add value by:
- Providing solutions built on KGs in their own domains of expertise.
- Providing professional services to design/implement semantic interoperability with IOTICS.
FKG is available via the IOTICSpace API and currently exposed as an RPC over the gRPC Service Meta.